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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (21 November) . . Page.. 4057 ..

Mr De Domenico: No, because you are lilywhite, aren't you? You would not name anybody, would you? Get real and get on with it.

MR BERRY: Your record in naming public servants is pretty poor.

Mr De Domenico: You are still fuming at being done like a dinner, mate. That is your problem. You take it too personally.


MR BERRY: Members of your Government have named various public servants over the history of self-government and, of course, other people outside the Public Service who could not defend themselves as well.

Ms Follett: They set the standard.

MR BERRY: That is right. Stan Aliprandi was absolutely butchered by Mrs Carnell using parliamentary privilege.

MR SPEAKER: Relevance, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: Remember poor Charles Wright. You savaged him too.

MR SPEAKER: Relevance, Mr Berry. Order! Mr Berry, I must ask for relevance.

MR BERRY: When it comes to naming public servants, Mr Speaker, I have just proved that that mob opposite are the worst in the world.

MR SPEAKER: Relevance within the context of the 1996-97 Appropriation Bill.

MR BERRY: And the response and the Estimates Committee matters, yes.

Mrs Carnell: Where is the response that talks about that?

MR BERRY: At page 295 of the uncorrected proof copy of Hansard, Mr De Domenico blurts out:

Well, Mr Turner, can I take over there, we are obviously - or Mr Berry is obviously relating to - - -

Mrs Carnell: That is not in the response. That is what we are talking about. Mr Speaker, I would like to call for relevance. We are debating - - -

MR SPEAKER: There is a point of order. Order!

Mrs Carnell: Get him to sit down.

MR SPEAKER: Sit down, Mr Berry.

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