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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 12 Hansard (21 November) . . Page.. 4056 ..

MR BERRY (continuing):

I have referred to this before; but I asked a question about the supply of non-Australian-made cars to various officers, and Mr De Domenico announced that it was in fact Mr Walker. He was the one who named Mr Walker in the Estimates Committee, not me. I was not the one who named Mr Walker. Mr De Domenico did.

Mr De Domenico: I just did not want to waste the time of the committee. That is what you were getting at.

MR BERRY: Do not mumble about me naming names.

Mr De Domenico: You were going to have a go at an individual, like you always do. You were having a personal go; you were playing the person, not the ball.


MR BERRY: Do not mumble anything about me naming public servants when you were the one who did it, Mr De Domenico.

Mr De Domenico: I did not name anyone in the Estimates Committee, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: Okay, I will read it to you. This is on page 295 of the uncorrected proof copy of Hansard. I was going through some questioning about the various cars that were provided to the Senior Executive Service and I was getting somewhere with Mr Turner. He said:

Well, we can give you the list.

He went on to talk about various cars, the best ways of buying them, and how they were trialling some non-Australian-made ones. I said:

Well, you might add to my request you can supply me with the list, if there is a list, perhaps there might be more than one, senior executives who receive a four wheel drive vehicle that is not made in Australia?

We had talked about this vehicle earlier on. Mr De Domenico then blurted out:

Well, Mr Turner, can I take over there, -

or, "Give me the levers" -

we are obviously - or Mr Berry is obviously relating to a vehicle held by Mr Walker.

So, you did not name anybody in the Estimates Committee? Keep the memory; you were the one who named Mr Walker, not me. When you are pointing the finger about people naming public servants, do not point it at me; look in the mirror.

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