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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 11 Hansard (24 September) . . Page.. 3273 ..

Mr De Domenico: He has read the wrong speech, Mr Speaker.

MR BERRY: This might be a laughing matter to you; but, Mr Speaker, I would like to get the opportunity to speak.


MR BERRY: We have to look at the process, which is seriously flawed. Initially, the Minister wrote to the board asking for their comments on a proposal from the MBA to establish a skill centre. You proposed either increasing the levy from 10 per cent to 25 per cent or using some of the board's surplus to fund the centre. The board investigated the proposal, was unable to get satisfactory answers and wrote to the Minister advising him that it was philosophically opposed to using board funds for anything other than workers' long service leave. They are funds outside of the 10 per cent, one assumes. It is assumed that that is money outside of the 10 per cent. It was clear - - -

Mr De Domenico: No, it does not assume it at all.

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, Mr De Domenico will have the chance to open his trap a little later on when he replies. I would appreciate it if he would keep it shut while I am speaking.

MR SPEAKER: Proceed, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, you are in charge of the chamber.

MR SPEAKER: Proceed, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: It was clear from the outset that there were not sufficient funds to cover the costs of the MBA proposal, but the Minister was so keen that he signed a cheque for $75,000 as the first instalment of the $300,000 cost of the proposal, even though the cash flow of the fund could not support these costs. He just went and did it, anticipating that people would fall into line behind him. This Minister is a disgrace at all levels. Now, when the Bill is introduced, we find that the Minister wants us to backdate the effect of the increased levy to January. What a disgrace! Do you know why, Mr Speaker? It is to cover his tracks, because he authorised funding which was not available.

Mr Hird: Do not judge everyone by yourself.

MR BERRY: You ask the taxi drivers what they think about you, Harold. The appropriateness of the MBA's proposal is another issue of concern. The MBA Group Training (ACT) Inc. was set up in February 1996 as a successor to the Master Builders Construction and Housing Association (ACT) Group Training Apprenticeship Scheme for the ACT (Inc.). In 1993 the company posted a profit of $111,000. We got these records from the Registrar of Associations.

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