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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 11 Hansard (24 September) . . Page.. 3272 ..

MR BERRY (continuing):

the fund of 40 per cent of its assets. He then plans to stop all training money from the fund on 31 December 1997, but he does not have in place an alternative funding mechanism yet. He talks about it, but who would trust this lot on their record? This lot have an appalling record on the creation of job opportunities in the ACT. Their record stinks. There is no other way of describing it. Mr De Domenico proposes a massive injection of funds, and then a complete abolition of funds. This Minister has no alternative, just some vague wish - - -

Mrs Carnell: Excuse me; we have been consulting on that.

MR BERRY: Not with me, you have not. Do not come that consulting nonsense with me. You consult with only the people you want to consult with, not with the wider community. The Minister has no alternative, just some - - -

Mr De Domenico: George Wason said, "Do not go anywhere near Wayne. He would not know. Come and talk to me. Do not worry about Wayne. He will do what I tell him".

MR SPEAKER: Order! Silence! Mr Berry has the call.

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, there is just some vague wish by this Minister and this Government that the industry will develop an alternative funding mechanism for industry training. Mr De Domenico, that approach has not worked for 18 months. Just ask the 3,400 extra people who are looking for jobs.

Mrs Carnell: What about the 1,000 extra people who are in work or the 6,800 - - -

Mr De Domenico: And what about the potential 150 who will be in work if you support this Bill?

MR BERRY: Did you not read the Canberra Times this morning?

Mrs Carnell: Mr Speaker, if Mr Berry is going to be precious about this, you might like to call for relevance to the Bill.

Mr De Domenico: Yes, get him back to the Bill. Does he support the 150 new jobs or does he not?

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, you are coming back to the Bill, are you not?

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, I have been relevant throughout. I was referring to the Minister's speech.

MR SPEAKER: The Minister's speech introducing the Bill; is that right, Mr Berry?

MR BERRY: Indeed, sir.

MR SPEAKER: Proceed.

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