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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (27 June) . . Page.. 2451 ..

Additional on costs such as utilities (gas and electricity, telephone) and running costs such as food and other consumables are, in accordance with an agreement made with the Mental Health Foundation, being met by the Foundation.

(2) The extra support referred to is financial assistance in the form of a grant, or more properly, a contract to purchase services. The ACT Government has provided almost $8 000 towards the costs of staff for the Respite House in the 95/96 financial year. A variety of avenues for funding for the 1996/97 financial year have been explored, and a satisfactory resolution has yet to be found. It has not been possible to date to provide ongoing funding without reducing the funding of other organisations. However, funding for the Respite House will be considered in the budget process in accordance with strategic planning processes and priorities, and within fiscal constraints.

(3) The Department of Health and Community Care is currently working with the Mental Health Foundation in order to consider ways to strengthen the organisation's management structure and capacity. The needs of the Respite House are an integral part of this project.

(4) and (5) No additional resources have been transferred to the Respite Project other than the $8 000 referred to earlier. No commitment to provide trained support workers was made and none have been provided. As outlined above, the Department of Health and Community Care is still working with the Mental Health Foundation to resolve the issue of ongoing funding for the project.

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