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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (27 June) . . Page.. 2279 ..

MR WOOD (continuing):

(32) Accidental omission to display notice of a nomination received for election at a particular place does not invalidate the election.

(33) The identity of the chairperson as a union official or a staff member, or the absence of union officials from a meeting, does not invalidate the meeting or any action taken at the meeting.

(34) Failure to comply with subclause (11) strictly does not invalidate the meeting or any action taken at the meeting.

(35) Failure to comply with subclause (30) strictly does not invalidate the ballot.

(36) In subclauses (7) to (16) inclusive, a reference to a meeting shall be taken to include any adjournment of that meeting and in subclauses (31) and (33), a reference to a meeting shall be taken to include an adjourned meeting.

Meeting to declare vacant the office of staff director

6. (1) A meeting to declare vacant the office of staff director shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the following subclauses.

(2) The union Secretary may, by notice in writing in accordance with subclause (26), notify a meeting to declare vacant the office of the staff director.

(3) The union Secretary shall take reasonable steps to ensure that the staff director is given a copy of the notice referred to in subclause (2) or is otherwise made aware of the purpose of the meeting and of the date, time and place of the meeting.

(4) Subject to subclause (29), the union Secretary shall take reasonable steps to ensure that copies of a notice of the meeting are prominently displayed at the place of business of the Company and at each of its agencies at least 7 days before the date fixed for the meeting.

(5) All members of staff may attend the meeting.

(6) If a union official is present at the meeting within 15 minutes of the time appointed for the start of the meeting, the official may be the chairperson of the meeting.

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