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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 8 Hansard (27 June) . . Page.. 2278 ..

MR WOOD (continuing):

(ii) opposite the name of each candidate, the word "received" followed by the number of votes received for that candidate and the word "votes";

(u) if 2 or more candidates receive an equal number of votes, the returning officers shall insert in the appropriate part of the list referred to in paragraph (t) the names of those candidates and as far as practicable opposite those names the words "each received" followed by the number of votes received for each candidate and the word "votes";

(v) the chairperson shall read out the list and declare elected the candidate who has received the largest number of votes;

(w) if 2 or more candidates have each received the same number of votes being more votes than any other candidate, the chairperson shall then ask each of the candidates if he or she wishes to withdraw;

(x) if 1 or more candidates referred to in paragraph (w) indicate that he or she wishes to withdraw and only 1 of those candidates remains, the chairperson shall declare that that candidate is elected;

(y) if none of the candidates referred to in paragraph (w) choose to withdraw or if 1 or more candidates withdraw leaving 2 or more of those candidates remaining, the chairperson shall declare that those remaining candidates shall be the only candidates for a further ballot to be conducted in accordance with this subclause;

(z) the chairperson may proceed to conduct the further ballot immediately or may adjourn the meeting;

(za) the ballot shall be secret but the fact that a completed ballot paper or a spoiled ballot paper is seen before the votes have been counted does not invalidate the ballot.

(31) Accidental omission to display notice of a meeting at a particular place does not invalidate the meeting or any action taken at the meeting.

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