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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 7 Hansard (19 June) . . Page.. 1865 ..

Mr De Domenico: But he did not mean to say that.

MR HUMPHRIES: But, apparently, he did not. Tell me, Mr Berry: Do you recall rising in this place repeatedly and saying to me, "But, Mr Humphries, you did not know what was going on. You did not know what was going on in the hospital system. We do know what is going on. We have the figures. We understand what is happening in this place."? Do you recall that?

Mr Berry: Thank you for asking me, Mr Humphries.

MR HUMPHRIES: No, Mr Speaker, he does not.

Mr Berry: You asked me. Allow me to answer.

MR HUMPHRIES: You will have your chance, Mr Berry. You can interject if you want to; you are very good at interjecting when you want to. (Extension of time granted)

Mr Berry: Do not ask me questions if you do not want to hear the answers.

MR HUMPHRIES: The fact is that Mr Berry did make the allegation in this place repeatedly that throughput under the Labor Government had increased. In saying that, he relied upon the 3,749 additional operations which were carried out at Woden Valley Hospital. He made those allegations, and those opposite know it. He said in his release of 24 May:

"In her budget speech Mrs Carnell promised that with an additional allocation of $2 million, an extra 600 operations would be performed ...

"And what did we get? Over 2,000 fewer operations at Woden Valley Hospital.

Does Mr Berry deny making that allegation in his press release?

Ms McRae: Based on Mrs Carnell's figures.

MR HUMPHRIES: Well, was it accurate?

Ms McRae: It was based on Mrs Carnell's figures. Ask Mrs Carnell.


MR HUMPHRIES: Those opposite need to be aware that they are basing their comments on those false claims in the press release.

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