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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 7 Hansard (19 June) . . Page.. 1864 ..

Mr Berry: No. You produced them.

MR HUMPHRIES: It has been responsible for revising a figure which appears now to be inaccurate, but the figures we have relied upon - - -

Mr Berry: You produced them.

Ms McRae: You produced them.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, I have been constantly interjected on during all of this speech.

MR SPEAKER: Order! This is an important debate. It is a censure motion. Mr Humphries is entitled to be heard in silence, as will all other speakers.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Berry claims that he did not publish the figures concerned - the monthly figures that indicated the number of day procedures. In fact, they were produced within the hospital system. They were not tabled in this place in the form of monthly reports. In fact, I am not even sure that the quarterly figures were tabled in this place. They were usually produced at 5 o'clock on a Friday afternoon. In fact, they were always produced at 5 o'clock on a Friday afternoon, for the edification of those media people who were interested - which was very few, as a rule. Mr Berry knows all about that. But the fact is that the figures were produced and published under Mr Berry.

Ms Follett: Published where?

MR HUMPHRIES: In the hospital system.

Mr Wood: No; you said "in this Assembly".

MR HUMPHRIES: Yes; well, he also relied on those figures in the Assembly to repeatedly make allegations that the throughput of the hospital system had increased and also to claim a greater level of knowledge and awareness about what was going on in the hospital system. Mr Berry said, on 24 November 1993, about the question of information:

In contrast to what it was like when you had control of these matters -

he was referring to me at this stage -

as things occur you will be informed, and so will the community.

Earlier the same day he said:

It is now becoming clearer to everybody that we are able to produce a picture that shows all aspects of performance within the hospital system.

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