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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 5 Hansard (15 May) . . Page.. 1260 ..

Mr Moore: The Liberal Party promises.

MR WOOD: We know what those promises are, Mr Moore. They come to nothing. Mr Speaker, a further point which arouses considerable debate in this town is the future of local shopping centres. One of the steps the Government could take to encourage employment is to look to the refurbishment of these local centres. I have always been disappointed that the owners of the buildings in those centres, the leaseholders, have not fully carried out their duty, I believe, in keeping their centres modern and attractive looking. Certainly, in respect of O'Connor, Ainslie and Lyneham, the former Government was active in paving and landscaping works to improve those areas. There is a host of local shopping centres around Canberra not doing too well at the moment. The Government could step in and do that important landscaping and paving work. That would generate, again, quite considerable employment.

Let us look at the bikepaths around Canberra. Some of them are in a pretty poor state, and the network is yet to be extended. Let the Government put some more money into those. This sort of activity would do a great deal to generate employment and confidence in the ACT. That would be very important and it would tell the business sector that this Government is leading the way. It is no good just telling the business sector to get out there and do something.

I would hope that the business sector would do a great deal towards its own refurbishment. There is a large number of commercial buildings in this city that need refurbishment, that need a thorough going over, to bring them up to the desired standards of office accommodation. I see that as an important project. But why would the private sector do that work when the Government is not doing anything very much itself? There is no lead being given. Let them see that. As I said, I would like to see the owners of the premises in the local shopping areas do a great deal more to refurbish their buildings. If this Government gives a lead we might find that the private sector will follow, and between the Government and the private sector there might be some grounds for optimism in this Territory - the optimism that the Government talks about, but does nothing about.

Finally, Mr Speaker, I want to comment on one of the severe misrepresentations that continue to come from the Government benches. We heard it again yesterday - this statistic of 18,000 Commonwealth public servants being sacked in the term of the former Labor Government from 1983.

Mr Hird: That is across Australia, Bill.

MR WOOD: Yes. But when your spokesmen get up - - -

Mr Hird: Do not say that it is just the ACT, Bill.

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