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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 5 Hansard (15 May) . . Page.. 1259 ..

Mr De Domenico: Seven hundred thousand dollars.

MR WOOD: More than that, Mr De Domenico. Let us get some buildings up. Let us get an office block up at Gungahlin. We have an urgent need for that. That is where it should be. Let us put it there. Let us do that. You want to develop on the Kingston foreshore residential areas and commercial space that under your policies will sit empty for a very long time. Let us get the Cultural Centre up. It was ready to go. Why have you not started?

Mr De Domenico: You did not do it for four years. Why didn't you put it up? You were a Minister for five years.

Mr Kaine: You said that you could not get proper costings.

Mr De Domenico: Five years. You sat on your hands, Bill, and left it there flat.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Stop provoking them, Mr Wood.

MR WOOD: Mr Speaker, the Government has been in office now for nearly a year-and-a-half and there has not been one forward step towards getting that Cultural Centre up and running in that time.

Mr De Domenico: Yes, there has.

MR WOOD: I do not see machinery over the road, Mr De Domenico - Let us go to an area that is dear to the heart of Mr De Domenico, or I thought it was. Let us go to Drakeford Drive. Let us get that extra bit of duplication in there.

Mr Kaine: Why didn't you do it?

MR WOOD: We were working towards it, Mr Kaine. If Mr Kaine gets that far into Tuggeranong, and I do not know that he does, he would know of that duplicated section south of Isabella Drive - he would be aware of that - which was financed and begun in the time of the Labor Government. Then we were ready to do the next stage that I am talking about.

Let us look now at the extension of Ginninderra Drive. That should be looked at very seriously. The Federal parliamentarians who were substantially responsible for wiping that off the agenda have now recanted. That blockage to the proposed development can now be examined in very considerable detail, and I think that process ought to commence. Mr Moore's committee has recommended that there be no money spent on the Mouat Street option, and I think that makes sense. Let us look at that.

Mr Moore: We are examining the extension of Ginninderra Drive.

MR WOOD: Yes. Mr Moore is moving on it. I hope that he can convince the Government, if it turns out that it is a proposal, to move rapidly on it, because there are certainly blockages of traffic in that area. Let us look at the Belconnen enclosed pool, or the Belconnen-cum-Gungahlin enclosed pool.

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