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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 3 Hansard (28 March) . . Page.. 859 ..


Government Response
Action taken
Dell 8.0

That the Management Assessment Panel be examined to determine its applicability to ACT needs.

Interstate models of service delivery will be used to inform the ACT reform process.

ACT Mental Health is currently looking at the South Australian Assessment Panel as a model that may be of value to the ACT. The continuing role of the ABMS and the interpretation of the new Mental Health Act will be considered within this framework.

Funding has been approved for a project to investigate the establishment of a Management Assessment Panel in the ACT which will have formal links with the Behaviour Intervention Service as well as with other relevant areas of service provision.

The proposed function of the panel is to provide a forum for the establishment of a network of support for people who are unable to be supported through regular arrangements. BIS may play a role in consulting and training service providers who are involved in the network which is developed by the Panel.

A body of information about interstate practice has been collected and is being used to inform planning in the ACT.

A Behaviour Intervention Service will manage the ongoing role of ABMS and BIT within the Disability Services Section of Community Programs. This Service will be available for people of all ages, will provide both family-based and community based services and will focus on assisting carers and support workers to continue on with behaviour management strategies, following a time-limited intervention by BIS.

Dell 8.1

That a model utilising the strengths of the Management Assessment Panel model be established in the ACT.

Refer to comments against Recommendation 8.0 above.

Refer to comments against Recommendation 8.0 above.

Community Programs Branch
Disability Services 3.41 PM 5/03/96 Page 16

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