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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 3 Hansard (28 March) . . Page.. 858 ..


Government Response
Action taken
Dell 7.9

An effective Individual Service Plan (ISP) or similar, must be devised and implemented for residents to ensure that they have control over their own lives. This process should be gradual, the imposition of mandatory ISPs for all residents will only serve to create more paperwork for direct care staff and will become just another part of bureaucratic procedure. To be effective ISPs must be used as a developmental tool that enables staff to support the resident more effectively. The ISPs sighted by the consultant are not designed or used in a way that is likely to achieve this outcome.

Residential Services is currently reviewing the individual program planning process to reflect the principles of the DSA and to ensure these plans are used as developmental tools which focus on outcomes for clients.

Staff will be trained to utilise this process effectively and the process will be linked with the assessment and future planning process.

See comments against Recommendation 3.4.

A review of the process and protocols has been completed. .

The individual planning process for Residential Services clients will flow from the future planning exercise to be conducted for each client.

Dell 7.10

Residential Services must explore options other than the group home model for the residents of John Knight Hostel. At this stage the group home model is planned for every resident affected by the imminent closure of this facility.

Options for accommodation other than a group home model are being explored for individual clients as a priority.

Dual occupancy was introduced as one alternative model for some people moving out of John Knight hostel. Other models of service provision are being investigated.

Community Programs Branch
Disability Services 3.41 PM 5/03/96 Page 15

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