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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 3 Hansard (28 March) . . Page.. 851 ..


Government Response
Action taken
Dell 4.1

Community support positions, excluding therapy, should be advertised and filled on the basis of the applicant's values, skills and experience in relation to people with disabilities, NOT health related qualifications.

Recruitment processes and selection criteria are being reviewed. It should be noted that the number of professionals working in the disability field is limited and at times it may be only possible to attract employees with health related qualifications. Also see Recommendation 1.1.

Selection criteria have been changed to reflect the Disability Services Act and Disability Services Standards

Dell 4.2

Develop policy and procedure for CAP that provide clear guidelines on:

- service values and standards

- services offered and description

- service eligibility.

- school therapy services

- service aims and objectives

- exit and entry procedures

- complaints mechanism.

See comments on Recommendation 2.6., 3.4. and 4.3.

See comments on Recommendation 2.6, 3.4 and 4.3.

Discussions have taken place with CHADS to clarify areas of service responsibility, so as to create a seamless service. This cooperative problem solving approach will continue.

Dell 4.3

Establish a Complaints Mechanism which is easily understood, is widely promoted and guarantees that service users' concerns will be acted upon.

The establishment of an accessible and responsive complaints mechanism will take place in the second half of 1995.

The Health Complaints Commissioner covers services for people with disabilities within Public Sector service provision.

Community Programs Branch
Disability Services 3.41 PM 5/03/96 Page 8

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