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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1996 Week 3 Hansard (28 March) . . Page.. 850 ..


Government Response
Action taken
Dell 3.3

Establish formal networks with other agencies in each region to make it easier for users to access information and the services they require.

Disability Services will seek to improve the links with other service providers and the community generally. This will be a major focus of the reform process.

Disability Services is represented on the Divisional catchment coordinating committees. Other government and non-government service providers will also be invited to participate in regional networks when regional offices are established.

Dell 3.4

Eligibility for support should not be assessed by an IQ test. Replace this practice with a broad statement of eligibility and a vulnerability criteria to determine priority. This will result in fewer people falling through the service gaps.

Eligibility criteria will be reassessed to ensure the provision of support services is focused on the relative support needs of the individual, not on the cause of the disability.

Eligibility for support is now based on individual need. An eligibility statement based on vulnerability criteria is being prepared.

Dell 3.5

Point of contact staff should be trained to ensure they are well informed, empathic and have the capacity to follow up enquiries.

See comments against Recommendations 1.0.

Training for point of contact staff in regional offices will be a high priority and will be conducted prior to the establishment of offices in regions.

See progress against Recommendations 1.0.

The need for training in customer service orientation, referral and networking skills has been identified and will be addressed as appropriate for each individual staff member who is a point of contact within regional offices.

Dell 4.0

Increase the Community Disability teams so that each team has a therapist in each discipline and four community support positions.

The three specialist teams will work with regional offices to pick up on service needs and capacity for individual case management for those clients with high or complex support needs. Also refer to comments against Recommendation 3.0.

Disability Services will provide both a regional structure and a series of specialist teams to manage client needs.

Community Programs Branch
Disability Services 3.41 PM 5/03/96 Page 7

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