Page 1189 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 April 1994

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MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (3.26): I move Government amendment No. 70. It reads:

70. Page 99, line 9, proposed new subsection 232(7), omit "4", substitute "3".

Madam Speaker, this amendment is necessary as a consequence of the reduction of the term of the Assembly from four years to three years.

Amendment agreed to.

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (3.26): I move Government amendment No. 71, which reads:

71. Page 101, line 20, proposed new section 234, add at the end the following subsection:

"(7) Where a document is retained under paragraph (6)(a) -

(a) the person otherwise entitled to possession of the document is entitled to be supplied, as soon as practicable, with a copy certified by the Commissioner to be a true copy and the certified copy shall be received in all courts as evidence as if it were the original; and

(b) until the certified copy is supplied, the Commissioner shall, at such times and places as the Commissioner thinks appropriate, permit the person otherwise entitled to possession of the document, or a person authorised by that person, to inspect and make copies of, or take extracts from, the document.".

Madam Speaker, this new subsection is being inserted to give a right of access to documents seized under this section to persons otherwise entitled to possession of such documents. The amendment was recommended by the Standing Committee on Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation.

Amendment agreed to.

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (3.27), by leave: I move Government amendments Nos 72 and 73 together. They are as follows:

72. Page 101, line 25, proposed new subsection 235(1), omit "4", substitute "3".

73. Page 101, line 30, proposed new subsection 235(2), omit "4", substitute "3".

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