Page 1190 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 April 1994

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Again, Madam Speaker, these amendments reflect the Assembly's previous decision to reduce the term of the Assembly from four years to three years.

Amendments agreed to.

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (3.27), by leave: Madam Speaker, turning to the supplementary amendments D, the pink sheets, I move Government amendments zg. and zh. together. They read:

zg. Page 103, line 26, proposed new paragraph 237(2)(a), omit "and".

zh. Page 103, line 26, proposed new subsection 237(2), after paragraph (a) insert the following paragraph:

"(aa) where a member of a non-party group was elected at the election - a failure by a reporting agent of the group to comply with this Part in relation to the election does not invalidate the election of the member; and".

Both amendments again reflect the Assembly's previous decision about non-party groups.

Amendments agreed to.

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (3.28): Madam Speaker, I move Government amendment No. 74, which reads as follows:

74. Page 104, lines 1 to 7, proposed new subsections 238(2) and (3), omit the subsections, substitute the following subsections:

"(2) A person specified in subsection (3) may, by written notice signed by the person and given to the Commissioner, request the permission of the Commissioner to make a specified amendment of a claim or return for the purpose of correcting an error or omission.

"(3) A request may be made by -

(a) the reporting agent of the party, independent MLA or candidate the subject of the claim or return; or

(b) the person who gave the return.".

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