Page 1188 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 April 1994

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MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (3.23): Madam Speaker, the best advice I have at the moment is that that is intended to include all debts, including ones such as Mr Moore has described. It may be that we need to amend that section or discuss it further with a view to clarifying just what the legislative intent is. I take Mr Moore's point on that matter.

MR MOORE (3.24): My understanding is that it does not apply to anybody in the legislature at the moment, but I can see that it could well apply, because everybody here, in this sense, is in a party. That would be my understanding. I accept the Chief Minister's willingness to come back and look at this, should we need to.

Amendment agreed to.

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (3.24): I move Government amendment No. 69, which reads:

69. Page 98, lines 9 and 10, proposed new section 231 (definition of "return"), omit the definition, substitute the following definition:

"'return' includes a notice under paragraph 236(1)(c) or subsection 236(4).".

Proposed new section 231 is to be amended to correct an incorrect cross-reference to paragraph 236(4)(b). It should simply be a reference to subsection 236(4).

Amendment agreed to.

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (3.25): Madam Speaker, turning to supplementary amendments D, on the pink sheets, I move Government amendment zf., which reads:

zf. Page 98, line 22, proposed new section 232, after subsection (2) insert the following subsection:

"(2A) For the purposes of subsection (1) or paragraph (2)(b), it is a reasonable excuse for a reporting agent of a non-party group to fail to give a return or retain records if another reporting agent of the group has given the return within the time required or retained records in accordance with section 235, as the case requires.".

That is there in order to pick up the inclusion of non-party groups.

Amendment agreed to.

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