Page 3900 - Week 12 - Thursday, 21 October 1993

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(3) This is not a matter for my Department. Any lessee in the Territory has the

right to seek a variation to their lease and they may well use that as a

negotiation point with buyers.

(4) The Preliminary Assessment requirements are given in Schedule 3 of the Land

Act. In summary, the Assessment addresses details of a project, the site

conditions, the relationship to surrounding developments and describes any

potential impact on the environment.

(5) The reasons for a request to subdivide are a matter for individual lessees

seeking such a variation.

The existing Block 29 Kowen is already split in two by the access road to the site used by the Canberra International Clay Target Club. The proposed subdivision reflects the existing division of the land.

(6) The portions are those mentioned in (2), to the east and west of the access road

mentioned in (5). Should the variation be approved, two new leases will be

granted to the current lessee.

(7) The application has been lodged under the Land Act and, if approved, two

Land Act rural leases will be issued. Under the National Capital Plan and the

Territory Plan the land is designated as "rural" and the Government wishes to

retain rural activities in this District.

If the application is approved, betterment and a higher level of land rent will be payable.

(8) The application seeks the additional rural activities of viticulture and horse

agistment, along with grazing, and permission to have a house on the smaller

block as well as lessee and managers houses on the larger block.

All costs incurred in creating the subdivision are payable by the lessee.

(9) The application is consistent with the Governments Rural Lease Policy.

The policy seeks to create viable rural activities and, in many cases, this may mean the amalgamation of small blocks. However, the Policy does not specify minimum block sizes: each case is considered on its merits.

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