Page 2364 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 17 August 1993
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3. Terms of Reference
The Committee shall advise the Minister, either upon request, or on its own motion, in the following matters:
the funding of activities related to the promotion of good health, safety or the prevention and early detection of disease;
increasing awareness of programs which promote good health in the community through the sponsorship of sports and recreation, the arts and culture;
encouraging. healthy lifestyles in the community and supporting activities involving participants m healthy pursuits; the funding of research and development activities in support of the above objectives; policies for health promotion in the ACT; other assistance for health promotion; and any other matters and any other bodies or individuals in relation to health promotion.
Rules of Procedure
a) Chair and Deputy Chair
i) The Chair, and in his or her absence the Deputy Chair, shall preside at all meetings of the Committee.
ii) The Chair and Deputy Chair may resign their office in writing addressed to the Minister.
iii) The Chair of any meeting of the Committee shall not have a deliberative vote on any motion. If the number of votes cast for and against a motion is equal, then the Chair shall have the casting vote.
b) Members
i) Members may resign their office in writing to the Minister.
c) Meetings of the Committee
i) The Committee shall meet on dates agreed to by the Committee and the Secretariat.
iii A special meeting shall be convened by the Chair upon receiving a written request from the Minister. iii) Five Members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
iv) Public statements by the Committee members must first be approved by the Committee and discussed with the Ministers Office, and can only be made by the Chair, Deputy Chair or a Member agreed to by the Committee.
v) Meetings of the Committee shall not be open to the public unless otherwise determined by resolution of the Committee.
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