Page 1634 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 19 May 1993

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MR MOORE (4.43): Mr Wood, in raising this issue, says that it is a fairly standard practice. I think the positive part about Mr Stevenson's amendment is that it will send a message to Parliamentary Counsel that we do not like this fairly common practice. This fairly common practice of referring in definitions across to another Act only makes extra work for people. In this case we are talking about having an extra six or eight lines in the Bill, which seems to me to be a rather sensible approach and is consistent with the espoused position of the Government for plain language drafting. I will be supporting this amendment.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 5 agreed to.

Clause 6

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and Training, Minister for the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (4.45): Madam Speaker, I move:

Page 5, line 35, proposed new section 6AE, after proposed new section  6AD insert the following:

Notification of rejection of implementation plan

 "6AE. Where the Minister rejects an implementation plan under section 6AC, the Minister shall cause to be published in the Gazette and in a daily newspaper, a notice containing -

(a) a statement that the implementation plan specified in the notice has been rejected; and

(b) particulars of the Gazette and newspaper in which a notice in relation to the implementation plan was published under subsection 6AA(3).".

I present a supplementary explanatory memorandum, which has been circulated. This amendment follows an approach from Ms Szuty, who sought to have this provision included. It is a sensible measure.

MS SZUTY (4.45): This amendment completes the processes outlined in clause 6 of the Bill. If you look at the proposed new sections and their headings, we start with "Public works - implementation plans", move to "Consideration by Authority" and "Consideration by Minister", and then finally to "Notification of approval of implementation plan". I commend the Government for taking up this amendment. We now have a further stage of the process, "Notification of rejection of implementation plan". It is all about informing the community of what is going on, and I commend the amendment to the Assembly.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Remainder of Bill, by leave, taken together, and agreed to.

Bill, as amended, agreed to.

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