Page 1633 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 19 May 1993

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MR WOOD: That long process is finished, Mr Stevenson. There would be an opportunity for the process to be available for discussion by the community. That is the sort of thing we are talking about.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Detail Stage

Clauses 1 to 3, by leave, taken together, and agreed to.

Clause 4

MR STEVENSON (4.42): Madam Speaker, I move:

Page 3, paragraph (e), lines 13 and 14, omit the definition of "development", substitute the following:

"'development', in relation to land, means -

(a) the erection, alteration or demolition of a building on that land;

(b) the carrying on of work on that land;

(c) the use or change of use of a building or works on that land;

(d) the subdivision or consolidation of that land; or

(e) the display of signs or advertising material on that land;".

I did have a number of amendments, but the new sheet that was circulated a little while ago covers clause 4 only, the definition of "development". Clause 4(e) of the Bill talks about development having the same meaning as in Part II of the Land Act. Simply put, I think it would be an advantage to people if the definition of "development", which is very important to this particular Bill, appeared at that point, without having to go to Part II of the Land Act. It is simply to assist people to understand the Bill.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and Training, Minister for the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (4.43): I note what Mr Stevenson is saying. I recall that he has said this in debate on other Bills at various times. He likes to see everything there in front of him rather than have to refer to other Acts. My advice is that it is fairly standard practice that Acts frequently refer to other Acts. I note that Mr Stevenson has not proceeded with other amendments. The Government will not oppose this amendment.

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