Tuesday, 18 May 1993
Questions without notice:
Ministerial arrangements
Woden bus interchange kiosk
Industrial relations - ambit claims
Woden bus interchange kiosk
Water fluoridation
Woden bus interchange kiosk
Ginninderra Creek bridge
Woden bus interchange kiosk
Housing market trends
Audit legislation
Youth alcohol strategy
Land (Planning and Environment) Act leases (Ministerial statement)
Business development - Government's policies (Ministerial statement)
Housing development - Braddon (Matter of public importance)
Legal Affairs - standing committee
Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation - standing committee
Planning, Development and Infrastructure - standing committee
Planning, Development and Infrastructure - standing committee
Canberra in the Year 2020 study
Land (Planning and Environment) Act - variation to the Territory Plan
Public Accounts - standing committee
Radiation (Amendment) Bill 1993
Answers to questions without notice
Lock, Stock and Barrel magazine
Wednesday, 19 May 1993
Dog Control (Amendment) Bill 1993
Temporary order - answers to questions on notice
Questions without notice:
Community consultation
ACTION services - North Canberra
Community consultation
School closures
School curriculum review
Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre
Industrial awards - preference clauses
Land tax
Community consultation
Judiciary - attitude to assaults on women
Sudden infant death syndrome register
Credit laws (Ministerial statement)
Hansard (Statement by Speaker)
School facilities - rationalisation (Matter of public importance)
Buildings (Design and Siting) (Amendment) Bill 1993
Land (Planning and Environment) (Consequential Provisions)
(Amendment) Bill 1993
Community consultation
Tuggeranong swimming centre
Tuggeranong swimming centre
Camps for Kids
Thursday, 20 May 1993
Petition: Member's allegations - redress
Casino Control (Amendment) Bill 1993
Long Service Leave (Building and Construction Industry) (Amendment) Bill 1993
Betting (Totalizator Administration) (Amendment) Bill 1993
Planning, Development and Infrastructure - standing committee
Planning, Development and Infrastructure - standing committee
Conservation, Heritage and Environment - standing committee
Questions without notice:
Tobacco product sales
Right to bear arms
Ambulance Service - overtime and redundancy payments
Magistrates Court building
Budget strategy
Business colleges - overseas students
Volunteers in Sport Week
Liquor licence fees
Ambulance Service - overtime and redundancy payments
Isolated establishment allowance
Woden bus interchange kiosk
Ginninderra Creek bridge
Magistrates Court building
Sudden infant death syndrome register
Canberra in the Year 2020 study (Ministerial statement)
Sport and recreation - forum on future directions (Ministerial statement)
Budgetary allocations and spending policy (Matter of public importance)
Sport and recreation - forum on future directions
Land (Planning and Environment) Act - West Belconnen environmental
impact statement