Page 2464 - Week 09 - Thursday, 17 September 1992

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MRS GRASSBY: It all helps to give money to people. Look at the money that is going to be spent for people with non-English-speaking backgrounds. There is going to be $63,400 spent in that area. Where do you think it is going to go, Mr De Domenico? There is the national child-care strategy. There will be 600 new outside school hours care places on a cost and share basis. People have to look after these children, Mr De Domenico. There is going to be money there for people to get jobs.

The Belconnen shopfront is to be established, at a cost of $414,000. It all has to be built; it all has to be done. There is work there. There is to be the construction of a hospice for the terminally ill, at a cost of $3m. Where do you think that is going to come from? Look at the refurbishment of Watson Hostel - - -

Mr Kaine: When are you going to lay the first brick of the hospice? In 1996? It is in your budget, but you cannot claim to have it when it is not there.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Mrs Grassby has the floor.

MRS GRASSBY: Look at the refurbishment of Watson Hostel, which is to cost $245,000. The construction of a detox centre for $375,000 is provided for.

Mrs Carnell: There is only $500,000 altogether in Health this year.


MRS GRASSBY: Thank you, Madam Speaker. The construction of a purpose-built facility for the Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service is to cost $1.4m. Who do you think is going to be building that? Money is going to be spent on the new preschool and primary school at Conder. Money is going to be spent on playground upgrading. That will cost $350,000. There is $1m for a range of minor works, including intruder alarms and dust and fume control. All these things have to be bought. People have to do the work. There is to be $1m spent on increased classroom space. I could go on and on. It is a tremendous budget. Look at the amount of money that is going to be spent.

I laughed at Mr Moore who said something about training people for whom there are no jobs. He is probably off at university now. I do not know why he is getting extra training. Obviously, he feels that he is not going to have a job here after three years, so he had better get trained for another job. One minute he is telling us not to spend any money on training, but the next minute he is rushing out and getting more training. As for Mrs Carnell, she thinks Mr Hewson is right to cut 3,000 jobs, under Fightback. She might as well close her Red Hill pharmacy, because all those public servants who live up there in grand houses will be moved elsewhere. They will not be coming to your pharmacy to spend any money. So you will need to get retrained for something too, Mrs Carnell. I can see that happening to you.

Mr De Domenico: You will keep her rich by buying valium from her. She will be right.

MRS GRASSBY: I never need valium. Do not worry about that. I might need it sometimes when you are on your feet, Mr De Domenico; but normally no, never. Mr Westende obviously does not understand the Estimates Committee. He has just told us all about the budget so that he can go away. I love that. It does not matter. He stood up and told us all about it in his speech. He does not

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