Page 2463 - Week 09 - Thursday, 17 September 1992

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decisions made behind closed doors. There should be open debate in this Assembly. I believe that decisions should be made in this Assembly, not behind closed doors. We should not come down here and ask, "How are we voting on this issue? Okay, let's go. This is what it is going to be. We will stick together". What about the freedom to speak on behalf of the community?

So much can be done if we work with the people. If we hold ourselves to be above the people, to be the politicians who tell people what to do, rather than the other way round, we will go the way of all governments in Australia, and this budget will appear to be no different from many others in Australia during the last decade. What did they result in? They resulted in increased unemployment, increased business failure and increased borrowing. That is what we have in this community. We can change that if we work together.

MRS GRASSBY (5.40): Madam Speaker, I just thought, "What if we had a house full of Dennises?". My God, what a shemozzle it would be if we had a house full of Independents. Madam Speaker, I congratulate the Government on a very responsible budget. It was not a Bankcard budget. We have a AA+ rating. I am sure that next time our Treasurer will get a AAA+ rating. The budget reveals that on capital works alone the Government is spending $223m, which is going to provide 3,000 jobs. If Mr De Domenico says that there are not any benefits for the small businessmen, I would like to know where these people are going to spend all their money. Obviously, he thinks they are going to go to Queanbeyan. If it is going to give 3,000 more jobs, people are going to be spending their money.

Mr De Domenico: Where did the 3,000 come from?

MRS GRASSBY: It is going to provide 300 more jobs. They will come from the capital works that are going to be done in the area, Mr De Domenico. Look at the works: The floodway and sewer in Harrison; land development extensions in Fyshwick and Mitchell; the Tuggeranong indoor sports stadium; the cyclepath improvements; the Gungahlin primary and preschool; and the community arts access workshop.

Look at the money that is going to be spent by ACTEW and Housing. Something like $200m is to be spent. There will be $38.5m for the purchase of 350 homes by first home buyers. A further $5m in loans is to be set aside for a new shared home ownership scheme to be introduced. The workers are going to be building these homes, Mr De Domenico. They will be out building the 350 homes on which this money is going to be spent.

We all know the problems facing women who have not been in the work force for years and who, all of a sudden, through divorce or because of other problems, need to go back to work. There will be the mature age women's traineeships scheme which is getting $314,000 in 1992-93. There are 20 places to be offered for them. There is to be the establishment of a Tourism Development Unit within the Tourism Commission. In 1992-93, $300,000 is to be spent to attract and develop new events, and to identify gaps in existing tourism infrastructure. Look at the money that will be spent on the new hotel management complex, which, I think, is an innovative idea for Canberra.

Mr De Domenico: It is $100,000 for a feasibility study. How many jobs?

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