Page 2465 - Week 09 - Thursday, 17 September 1992

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understand what the Estimates Committee is about. You go to the Estimates Committee and you question the public servants and the Minister to find out exactly where it all is. But, no, he has made his speech, so that is fine. He can go off to a conference on furniture. It really does not matter any more; this is it.

Mr De Domenico: She has been on the slops, I think.

Ms Follett: Madam Speaker, I take a point of order. Mr De Domenico's audible comment was grossly offensive and ought to be withdrawn.

MADAM SPEAKER: Yes, Mr De Domenico; I ask you to withdraw that. It is offensive.

Mr De Domenico: I withdraw, Madam Speaker.

Ms Follett: Stand up and withdraw it.

Mr De Domenico: I beg your pardon? Are you the Speaker as well?

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! It is normal to stand up when you withdraw, Mr De Domenico.

Mr De Domenico: I withdraw, Madam Speaker, in deference to you.

MRS GRASSBY: I would like to say to Mr De Domenico that I do not think he has ever seen me drinking alcohol. Possibly, I am the one person in this house who does not drink alcohol; so just be very careful, Mr De Domenico.

Mr Stevenson: How many?

MRS GRASSBY: I am sorry, Mr Stevenson; I was not counting you. I am sorry about that. I keep thinking of a house full of Stevensons and it worries the heck out of me. Grants of $1,575,000 have been given to the ACT Racing Club. Where do you think that money is going to be spent? It is going to be spent in Canberra, and that will give jobs to people. You keep saying that there are no jobs from this budget. I think the Government has been conservative about the number of jobs. I think there are going to be a lot more jobs out of this budget. I think they have been very conservative in creating it. The Government has brought down a very sensible budget. It has not gone out and spent like mad money that we do not have. We have not had to sell off things like the GIO to pay for things.

Mr De Domenico: We do not have one.

MRS GRASSBY: Exactly. But we do not have to sell off ACTEW; nor do we have to sell off ACTION, which you would do. Mr Cornwell would sell all the public housing and throw people out in the street. We do not have to do that to balance a budget, but that is what they have to do in New South Wales. To balance their budget they have to sell off everything. We do not have to do that. We have a healthy budget and we will give lots of jobs to people in Canberra.

MR CORNWELL (5.49): Madam Speaker, I would like, first of all, to extend congratulations to the Government on reducing the budget papers to six. I think, however, they should be reduced to four because, frankly, I think that the two supplementaries are an exercise in tokenism, Chief Minister. Nevertheless, congratulations on reducing the papers to fewer than last year.

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