Page 5360 - Week 17 - Tuesday, 3 December 1991

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I think it is something that, on particular occasions, still ought to be done. I think we all recognise that the Planning Authority, by and large, has done that sort of thing; it has really bent over backwards to ensure that it does communicate with and reach out to the community. It is certainly important that it gets credit where it is due, and it is due in that regard.

So, I would be reluctant to force on it the new subclause 22(8) that Mr Jensen proposes. I was quite happy with Mr Jensen's amendment No. 19 as he has moved it, but it is quite clear that he does not have the numbers. But members are prepared to accept his original amendment and, therefore, I should like to move the amendment that Mr Jensen originally proposed, giving him credit for it - or I could stand aside and allow Mr Jensen to move it. I have circulated it, just for members' ease of working with it in the chamber. I make no bones about it; it is straight from the proposed amendments that Mr Jensen circulated the other day.

Mr Kaine: You anticipated me, Mr Moore.

MR MOORE: I anticipated the problem. Therefore, Mr Speaker, I move - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! You cannot move at this time.

MR MOORE: I now foreshadow that, if the amendment before the Assembly is lost - and I still urge members actually to support Mr Jensen's amendment No. 19 - I will move the amendment that has been circulated in my name, with due credit to Mr Jensen.

Mr Wood: We will agree with that.

Mr Jensen: Will you accept subclause (7) or not?

Mr Wood: No, we will agree with that.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Wood, please!

MR COLLAERY (12.00): This could be an arduous day. Perhaps Mr Jensen's foreshadowed amendment proposing a new subclause (8) was the last straw. I believe that it probably was for Mr Wood. Nevertheless, previously made arrangements should not fall out as a matter of pique, I hasten to say - and we will not rise to Mr Kaine's allusion to the gnomes behind Mr Jensen's drafting work. I can assure him that there are very few people assisting Mr Jensen - and that all has to do with the Labor-Liberal coalition in this house which has denied us adequate resources. Mr Jensen, in fact, works right through, day and night, in this house, and I think it was churlish of Mr Kaine to make that remark. The amendment circulated by Mr Moore is a backup amendment and, of course, we will support that foreshadowed amendment if the arrangement that Mr Jensen has reached with the Minister is not followed up.

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