Page 5359 - Week 17 - Tuesday, 3 December 1991

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I regret that the system has broken down on this amendment, where we would have agreed on something. That is not the responsibility of this side of the house, because we have bent over backwards to be accommodating. The Government cannot support either of Mr Jensen's amendments.

MR JENSEN (11.56), by leave: I am disappointed that - - -

Mr Wood: How many more amendments are you going to bring up to me today?

MR JENSEN: This is the only one, Bill. The only other one is one that has been suggested to me by your officers. As I said, the amendment to clause 22 was accepted by your officers. All I am proposing to do is to add one extra step.

Mr Wood: Yes, and that is where it falls down.

MR JENSEN: Okay. I am disappointed that, because of that, the Government is not prepared to accept my new subclauses (6) and (7), which were, in fact, agreed to. I think it is very disappointing if that is the case. At this juncture I would like to put it on record that I formally thank Mr Wood and his officers, both in the Parliamentary Counsel's Office and within Mr Wood's department, for the advice, assistance and time that have been put into working up these amendments.

I can only reiterate what I have said in this place before; that is, that the planning legislation is not the only planning issue that we have been involved with in the last three months, and that the legislation, the Territory Plan and the variations have all come together at the one time. Frankly, Mr Wood, as you well know, there are only so many hours in a day.

Mr Wood: You, more than anybody else, could have been on top of it long ago.

MR JENSEN: That may be so, but this problem occurred because of our involvement in those other planning issues that were happening at the same time. That is one of the problems that we have in this place, with limited facilities and resources and quite a lot going on at the one time. It would be disappointing if the Government did not support the first part of my amendment.

MR MOORE (11.58): Mr Speaker, having heard the debate, I should, first of all, put my opinion on the table; and that is that the amendment that was circulated on 2 December 1991 by Mr Jensen - the amendment to clause 22, with its modifications - I believe, should have been accepted by the Assembly. I can understand people finding that the extra onus of actually writing to individuals - and putting provision for that into the legislation - is inappropriate.

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