Page 4733 - Week 15 - Thursday, 21 November 1991

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In addition, since those plans were enunciated, the National Capital Plan has come down.

Mr Moore: I will add that as an amendment, Bernard.

MR COLLAERY: Mr Moore has foreshadowed the fact that he will take that into account. Mr Wood also said - and he will correct me if I am wrong - that the National Capital Plan did not operate in the Territory sense. Perhaps Mr Wood, in reply, will assist us, and I will come back to that. I have quite forgotten his exact words. But the fact is that the object of the National Capital Plan is, to quote section 9 of the legislation:

... to ensure that Canberra and the Territory are planned and developed in accordance with their national significance.

In introducing the National Capital Plan, the then Minister for the Arts and Territories in the House of Representatives said, in his second reading speech on 19 October 1988, that the National Capital Planning Authority was to prepare:

... a National Capital Plan which will define the policies, aesthetic principles and any development requirements required to maintain and enhance the character of the national capital.

The ACT will be responsible for the normal range of State-type planning and development matters.

Further, the Minister stated:

The purpose of the National Capital Plan is to ensure that the Commonwealth's national capital interests in the Territory are fully protected, without otherwise involving the Commonwealth in matters that should be the prerogative of the Canberra community.

The Minister concluded by stating that the new arrangements contained in the National Capital Plan would allow:

... the people of the Territory to control the day to day planning and development of their home.

Then we come to the principles enunciated in this Bill, and I draw this to Mr Moore's attention. Clause 7 of the Bill states that the object of the Territory Plan is:

... to ensure, in a manner not inconsistent with the National Capital Plan, that the planning and development of the Territory provides the people of the Territory with an attractive, safe and efficient environment in which to live, work and have their recreation.

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