Page 4734 - Week 15 - Thursday, 21 November 1991

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Mr Moore's submission to us, with this amendment, is that there is not, at this stage, an approved strategic plan in the context of the Territory Plan, because the Territory Plan has not come down. Mr Moore may correct me, but I suggest that his further submission is that there is not a full strategy in the draft Territory Plan to replicate that strategy that was defined historically in the 1984 Metropolitan Policy Plan.

The general principles relating to the planning of the national and arterial road systems obviously affect the efficiency of the environment in which the people of the Territory live. So, there is a very broad overlap between the National Capital Plan and the Territory Plan; for example, the general and main road routes through the city. What is the strategy set out in the draft Territory Plan for transport? If one goes to that, one sees that there are some general statements on transport, but there is not the same detail that exists in the Metropolitan Policy Plan and the Civic Centre plan. So, I would enjoin Mr Wood, in his response, to indicate why he considers that this strategic plan has already has been displaced, whether we have a strategic plan, and, if we do have one, where it is. And, if we do not have one, is he saying that it will be in the incoming Territory Plan?

MR JENSEN (9.22): Mr Speaker, the issue really, I guess, concerns the broad strategies for development proposals within the ACT. As my colleagues Mr Moore and Mr Collaery have indicated, there is some suggestion of that within the Metropolitan Policy Plan and also in the National Capital Plan itself, I suppose, in some respects. Mr Wood indicated to us in debate that he believed that this document was no longer in force. I would be very interested to hear Mr Wood indicate whether or not that is the case. Unfortunately, I do not have with me the list of planning documents that were approved on 31 January 1990, I think, when all those various variations in policy plans that were still in force were actually approved as part of the plan.

In fact, I may be able to find it here because I happen to have the appendices to the National Capital Plan, the ones dated 19 December 1990. I am just having a look, and it does not appear to me to say that, as I look through the plan. It does say, in fact, that part of the Metropolitan Canberra Policy Plan Development Plan, July 1984, which is the document that we have been referring to, has been revoked. But it appears to say that only certain areas have been revoked. For example, page 23 of the appendices attached to the National Capital Plan refers to policies revoked in part. It states:

General Policies of the Plan define urban areas and other major land uses on a pattern very similar to the MPP. The MPP is therefore revoked in respect of its broad policies of land use. The MPP is also revoked to the extent that it makes

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