Page 4732 - Week 15 - Thursday, 21 November 1991

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will require some adaptation. The Planning Authority will find that it cannot produce the plan that it wants. Let it come up with a strategic plan that we can debate in this house for the longer-term development of the Territory. We cannot allow a short-term view to prevail on planning.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (9.14): Mr Speaker, Mr Moore proposes that the Metropolitan Policy Plan should be the strategy establishing the principles governing our long-term planning and development of Canberra, at least until a new strategy plan is developed. But I am afraid that it will not work like that. Substantially, the Metropolitan Policy Plan has been revoked. It is not operative. It has been largely overtaken by the National Capital Plan, and other elements have been incorporated in the draft Territory Plan in a series of strategic instruments.

Mr Jensen: Is that right?

Mr Moore: No.

MR WOOD: It is right. So, there is no point in proposing this amendment.

Mr Moore: It would be the case if we adopted the Territory Plan; but we have not adopted the draft Territory Plan, so what you are saying is rubbish.

MR WOOD: That is not so.

Mr Moore: You have just been given bad advice.

MR WOOD: Mr Moore, the draft Territory Plan has been prepared under the strategic umbrella of the National Capital Plan, and, where that plan does not contain the strategic controls which were considered necessary, they are incorporated into the Territory Plan. For example, the general performance policies for Civic Centre contain the objective of encouraging an equitable distribution of job opportunities for the work force of each residential district. As a criterion, Civic Centre employment is limited to 20 per cent of ACT total employment. That is just one example. So, Mr Moore, this amendment would achieve nothing.

MR COLLAERY (9.16): I, firstly, want to take up Mr Wood on his comment that the 1984 Metropolitan Policy Plan has been overtaken and effectively abrogated by further instruments. I am not aware of that and, if I was litigating in the Supreme Court at the moment on some planning matters, I would be using the 1984 plan and as much of the Civic Centre Policy Plan and other documentation that is pertinent to that as I could. The Minister needs to seek advice from his advisers on whether, during this hiatus or interregnum, we still rely upon these two documents. I am displaying to Mr Wood the Metropolitan Policy Plan of 1984 and a January 1989 Civic Centre plan.

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