Page 3764 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 15 October 1991

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The NCDC would be reluctant to recommend or support the retention by the Housing Trust of all the units (p 35).

8. "Barring Gardens Report" - CBS Realty World -1988

Commissioned by NCDC. Identified usual physical and social problems.

Considers three options:

Address Structural Deficiencies:

Not cost efficient as could build new accommodation in traditional construction for same amount.

Bulldoze Site; offer for sale as en be sub-divisions. possible to produce 200 house blocks and 100 medium density sites. Not a profitable option.

Phased Disposal to Private Enterprise:

A private buyer could be found for the complex if it is offered in bite sized lumps, in the range $20,000 to $25,000 per unit.

Purchaser would have in mind upgrading and disposal in strata title.

Not a perfect solution but on balance the only practical avenue.

9. Case Comparison of Clients from Melba Flats and Surrounding Areas" - N.A. Zwar, Melba Health Centre - May 1988

Usual problems outlined:

30 clients from flats compared with 30 from outside.

More females, single, single parent families.

Almost twice as many presentations.

Higher rates of smoking, drinking, drugs (IV).

Antenatal care rather than contraception.


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