Page 3763 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 15 October 1991

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"... mitigate against the retention of all the flats as a socially and politically acceptable option. The potential for providing adequate solutions to the physical problems of the flats is severely limited, and in some cases precluded by the low quality construction design and detailing, the poor siting and orientation of the majority of flats" Mpg 31).

Range of options, indicative costs.


1. Improve housing standards.

2. Provide safe/secure living environment.

3. Provide for broader range of tenants.

4. Encourage longer term tenants.

5. Reduce public housing numbers.

6. Achieve more balanced proportion of public/private housing.

7. Integrate Melba Flats into suburb.

8. Minimise management problems.

9. Minimise recurrent/capital expenditure.

Estimated costs of 19 options over 10 year period range from $9.3 to $31.8.

"Allocation to Melba Flats causes a high degree of aggravation to housing staff that is a consequence of placing people in a substandard social and physical environment" Mpg 35).

"Within the options identified the NCDC would not support:

a. the sale of all the units to sitting tenants

ii. the option to do nothing; and

iii. minimum upgrade to all units as a long term solution.


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