Page 3765 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 15 October 1991

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High incidence of childrens skin infections.

10. W.P. Butler "Consultants Report on the Future of the Melba Flats" Nov 1988

The recommendations of this report are at Attachment 2.

11. The Expert Client - "Melba Flats Redevelopment - Final Report for the ACT Housing Trust." 1989.

The objectives were:

1. To arrange the orderly transfer of sitting Government tenants to other Trust accommodation thereby ensuring that tenants location desires are achieved with minimum emotional or physical stress.

2. To maximise the revenue return to the ACT Housing Trust by the progressive sale of Section 60 to assist in the acquisition or development of replacement housing.

3. To protect the amenity of existing tenants through out the

redevelopment process.

4. To consider the opportunity to allow sitting tenants who wish to remain in Melba that opportunity, consistent with social planning and commercial objectives.


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