Page 1818 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 1 May 1991

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MR SPEAKER: Thank you for your observation, Mr Berry. Please proceed, Mr Jensen.

Mr Berry: That is a point of order, Mr Speaker; that is not an observation.

MR SPEAKER: That is an observation because we have not yet heard what the member has to say, Mr Berry.

Mr Berry: He told us.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you. I take that to be an invalid objection because he has not stated the position.

MR JENSEN: Mr Speaker, during this morning in debate on this particular matter we have heard statements from the Opposition that, in fact, it is the Law Office that has drafted this Bill incorrectly. That was what Mr Berry said. That was the statement that Mr Berry made. That is not the issue, Mr Speaker, in relation to this Bill.

Ms Follett: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: The statement made was that the Law Office had drafted the Bill, not that it had drafted it incorrectly.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you for that observation. I cannot remember the exact words used. Please proceed. I will look at Hansard.

MR JENSEN: Mr Speaker, I think you will find quite clearly that the record will say that Mr Berry, in interjection, indicated to this Assembly that, in fact, the Bill had been badly drafted by those drafters. As Mr Berry well knows, Mr Speaker, Bills are drafted for private members on the basis of the drafting instructions. Mr Berry, if you cannot get your drafting instructions right, do not come into this place and complain - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Jensen, please!

Ms Follett: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: It relates exactly to that. I find Mr Jensen's style of debate, while shaking his fist and shouting at this side of the chamber, deliberately intimidatory and quite unparliamentary.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, I ask you to settle down there please, Mr Jensen.

MR JENSEN: I am sorry, Mr Speaker, if I have offended. Maybe I have been watching Mr Keating during question time in the Federal Parliament, and I have been overcome by the way he carries on in debate there.

Let me suggest that it was Mr Berry who provided the drafting instructions - no-one else. The Law Office and the drafting counsel's office did not provide the drafting instructions; Mr Berry did. So, Mr Speaker, if Mr Berry cannot get his drafting instructions right, he should not

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