Page 1819 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 1 May 1991

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try to lay the blame elsewhere. I think it is highly inappropriate for Mr Berry to do so, and I think he should get his act together in relation to private members' Bills and make sure that when he puts a Bill before this Assembly it is not full of many holes, like a previous piece of legislation that was tabled by the Opposition just prior to Mr Whalan departing from this place. He put onto this table a piece of legislation that was clearly so badly drafted that it had not, in fact, been drafted at all. All he did was just change the dates, and he even got those wrong.

Ms Follett: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: We are debating Mr Berry's Bill, not any other Bill, and I think that Mr Jensen's remarks are quite irrelevant.

MR SPEAKER: I would overrule your objection there, Ms Follett. Please proceed, Mr Jensen.

Ms Follett: Would you uphold my point of order, though?

MR SPEAKER: I have overruled it.

MR JENSEN: I am pleased to see that, Mr Speaker, because I would suggest that, when we are looking at the issue of legislation, it is quite appropriate on occasions to bring in issues of this type. So, I am glad to see, Mr Speaker, that you have accepted the relevance of my statement in that matter, and I think the record will show that once again Mr Berry seeks to blame others when, in fact, it is his fault.

MR BERRY (12.03), in reply: I will not waste too much effort on responding to the contribution just made by Mr Jensen. It is not worth responding to because it is all full of holes. The response from Mr Collaery - - -

Mr Collaery: The Canberra Times today says that the Rally is to the left of you people.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Collaery!

MR BERRY: That is about the fourth time that you have warned him, Mr Speaker, and it is about time that you really pulled him into gear. The performance by the Residents Rally leader, Mr Collaery, this morning earned - - -

Mr Moore: The duplicitous one.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry, would you resume your chair. Mr Moore, you keep playing on words, and I will rule that "duplicity" and "duplicitous" are certainly not words that are parliamentary and - - -

Mr Moore: Mr Speaker, I - - -

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