Page 1817 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 1 May 1991

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MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Berry may not have been in the chamber at the time, although it looks as though he was. Mr Collaery gave a very clear indication of his concerns. He spelt them out quite clearly, and I think they deserve to be answered. I would be concerned about the implications of this provision for the Privacy Act. I do not know what they are, and I would like to see that addressed by the Opposition. This is a debate; we are entitled to see what the arguments are. Mr Collaery has put up an argument about why there are problems with the legislation. Why cannot the Opposition respond to those arguments?

Ms Follett: We have.

MR HUMPHRIES: You have not. I do not know where it is. Where is the response?

Mr Collaery: All right; Ms Follett is going to respond. She has just announced that.

MR HUMPHRIES: Ms Follett is; okay. Whoever responds from that part of the house might be able to clear up these concerns, but I have not seen what those responses are, and I would like to know what they are before I agree to the legislation.

Mr Wood: Are you suggesting that we should never amend government Bills?

MR HUMPHRIES: Of course you can amend government Bills. If you want to amend the Bill, by all means, go ahead. You are perfectly entitled to move amendments, either to your own Bills or to ours. But we have not seen that; we have not seen any amendments.

Mr Berry: We do not need any amendments. It is okay.

MR HUMPHRIES: Tell us why it does not need to be amended. I want to know why.

Mr Berry: It is consistent with legislation that Mr Collaery now administers.

MR HUMPHRIES: It is not good enough just to throw the Bill on the floor of the house and expect the Government to fix it up.

MR JENSEN (11.59): Mr Speaker, I am going to make a brief comment on some statements and interjections that have been made by Mr Berry from across the chamber this morning. Mr Speaker, it is quite clear - - -

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: The speech that he is required to give has to be in relation to the Bill, not about interjections that were made in the chamber this morning.

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