Page 1670 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 30 April 1991

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MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: I presume that you have finished.

Mr Berry: No, I have not.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: I would request that you make it brief.

Mr Berry: The Government, in the person of Mr Humphries, argued strongly that an imputation of an untruth on a member of the Opposition, namely me, should be allowed in this Assembly, and Mr Speaker allowed that imputation to stand.

Mr Duby: You are a very mendacious ex-Minister.

Mr Humphries: That is not true. On the point of order - - -

Mr Berry: Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I heard an interjection from across the way which you, yourself, at one time had some experience with, and I ask - - -

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Berry. Would you resume your seat. Mr Duby, would you withdraw that, please?

Mr Duby: I withdraw unreservedly.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Duby. Mr Humphries, do you wish to speak to the point of order?

Mr Humphries: Yes, I do, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker. The point that was made before in respect of the word "untruths" was that the term, as applied to arguments in debate - - -

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Yes, Mr Humphries, I did hear your earlier remark and I rule accordingly. Ms Follett, would you please withdraw your remark. You will have an opportunity to - - -

Ms Follett: Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I - - -

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Will you let me finish? You will have an opportunity to make a personal explanation at the end of the statement.

Ms Follett: May I speak on the point of order?

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Now you may speak on the point of order.

Ms Follett: Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, this afternoon we heard Mr Humphries say that Mr Berry had made an untrue statement. I rose on a point of order on that occasion and the Speaker ruled that that was not unparliamentary.

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