Page 1671 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 30 April 1991

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Mr Humphries: I did not say that. It is not true.

Ms Follett: I am afraid that the record will show that the context in which Mr Humphries made that statement was identical to the context in which I made the statement. We on this side of the house only request that we be treated fairly.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Ms Follett, in my opinion your statement about an untruth was related directly to Mr Collaery. It was not related to members of the Government. In fact I would have also taken the point made in House of Representatives Practice, commencing at page 486. Referring to groups is not appropriate because it requires individuals also to take a similar point of order. I request that you withdraw unreservedly.

Ms Follett: I withdraw, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, and on a point of order, on your ruling, I request that Mr Humphries withdraw.

Mr Humphries: Withdraw what?

Ms Follett: Your previous statement.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: I am not quite sure what you are referring to. Withdraw what?

Mr Connolly: I take a point of order. You just said that a reference to a group saying untruths is unparliamentary and should be withdrawn. That was the precise issue about which I had the argument with the Deputy Speaker earlier on. I said that Mr Humphries had said that the Opposition were saying untruths. I was arguing that as Mr Berry was the only Opposition speaker it followed that he was saying that Mr Berry was saying untruths. We now have two directly contradictory rulings. I would suggest that, in order to preserve consistency and to preserve a higher standard of debate, it would be preferable if Mr Humphries also withdrew the earlier statement that Opposition speakers were making untruths. Then we will have established clear guidelines about referring to untruths that are consistent.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Connolly. I am quite aware of where we are going. Mr Collaery, please resume your seat for a moment. I will take advice.

Order! The house will come to order. I have decided that the matter will be reviewed. The Hansard record will be reviewed and the issue will be addressed at a later time. I call Mr Collaery.

MR COLLAERY: I seek a short extension.

Mr Berry: I take a point of order. His time has expired.

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