Page 1669 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 30 April 1991

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Ms Follett: I withdraw that, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker. It is an untruth.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Ms Follett, I request that you withdraw that. You will be able to make a personal explanation at the appropriate time.

Mrs Grassby: She has withdrawn "lie". "Untruth" has been allowed. Do you want to check it out?

Mr Humphries: On the point of order: Previously the ruling was that "untruths" as applied generally to people in a debate was not to be withdrawn, but the term "untruth" as applied to an individual speaker certainly is the equivalent of "lie" and should be asked to be withdrawn.

Mr Collaery: May I add to that point of order, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker? In this sequence it is a qualified withdrawal and I ask that she make an unqualified withdrawal of calling me a liar. Then she can proceed to make any explanation that she likes at the end of the debate.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Yes, I uphold your point of order. Ms Follett, I request - - -

Mr Berry: Wait a minute. I wish to speak to the point of order and I have a right to do so, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker. That is a right that has been extended to many members in this House of Assembly and I should not be sat down because I wish to explore that right.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Berry, I would suggest that I decide who is sat down, not you. You can now address the point of order appropriately.

Mr Berry: I knew that it was a good argument, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker. The issue is that Ms Follett withdrew that which you required withdrawn and used the word "untruth", which has been accepted in the Assembly.

Ms Follett: Today.

Mr Humphries: No, it has not. That is not true.

Mr Duby: It has not been accepted.

Mrs Grassby: It has so.

Mr Humphries: Not in that context.

Mr Connolly: It is all right in the context of the Government but not the Opposition.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Berry, would you resume your seat, please?

Mr Berry: I am still speaking.

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