Page 669 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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MR MOORE: I will explain again what I wish to do. I am quite specific about it. I would like to refer to a motion of the Standing Committee on Conservation, Heritage and Environment which refers specifically to this motion, and I would like leave to do so.

Mr Berry: You have leave.

MR MOORE: And I have leave.

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, I do not accept that - - -

Mr Berry: He has leave.

Ms Follett: He has ruled on it.

Mr Kaine: No, we have not. You said "No". Your saying "No" does not mean that approval is given.

Ms Follett: No, I did not.

Mr Connolly: We all said "Yes"; nobody said "No".

MR MOORE: They said "Yes". Nobody said "No".

Mr Kaine: Well, I am objecting. I do not think that we should be setting aside this standing order. It is there for a very good reason.

MR MOORE: Well, then, do not give me leave; say "No".

Ms Follett: But he has already ruled.

Mr Berry: He has already done it.

Mr Kaine: We have not done it, Mr Berry.

MR MOORE: Can I seek your ruling, Mr Speaker, on where I am at - whether I have leave or do not have leave?

MR SPEAKER: Order! I will take advice on this matter.

Mr Kaine: You do not have leave.

MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, I am quite happy to accept that they have not given me leave on this matter. If that is the case, I will not speak to it.

Ms Follett: Well, you should not; the Speaker has ruled on it.

MR MOORE: You have ruled?

Ms Follett: He has.

MR SPEAKER: I have ruled. An objection was raised, and I will just seek an opinion on it.

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