Page 668 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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committee. I would favour three because I think that is enough. That is my personal view; I would allow a compromise of five. However, I would favour three because I cannot see why you need seven people to do the work of three and to report back, in a broad report to the Assembly - - -

Mr Kaine: If you have seven you will get only four; that is why we have made the quorum four - because Mr Berry will not turn up.

MR MOORE: The Chief Minister interjects that Mr Berry will not turn up. They realise that putting this motion up means that members of the Labor Party may not attend this committee. If that is the case, what we will have is a farcical report. Considering the bipartisan approach on this legislation up until this stage, that is a crazy thing to do.

Mr Kaine: What bipartisan approach? We have had no support from that side of the house at all. All they have done is criticise us.

MR MOORE: Considering that some of us have worked on this legislation from four or five years ago, starting in the preliminary discussions in the bottom of the NCDC building and various other venues around Canberra, this is a very disappointing outcome at this stage.

Also, I am given to understand that the legislation will be converted from the present number of Bills to one Bill. I have no particular objection to that. In fact, I think that is a quite positive thing. However, it is going to take some more time and some more effort - and it will also take some compromise and some understanding in the way committees operate. I think it is a very sad thing when this is the case.

I would like to raise another issue, Mr Speaker, and I am going to need leave of the Assembly to allow me to bypass standing order 241 because I would like to comment on a motion of the Standing Committee on Conservation, Heritage and Environment. So I seek the leave of the Assembly to do that.

MR SPEAKER: Is leave granted?

Opposition members: Yes.

MR SPEAKER: Leave is granted.

MR MOORE: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Thank you members of the Assembly.

Mr Kaine: Hang on. No, you are talking about - - -

Mr Connolly: It has been granted.

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