Page 670 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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MR MOORE: If he has ruled, I think I should go ahead.

Ms Follett: You have ruled; I do not know what else there is to do.

MR SPEAKER: I must overrule your objection, Chief Minister. I had in fact given leave before any member of the Government raised any noise whatsoever in opposition to the proposal.

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, I have to say that you moved rather hastily, and I believe that the consequences of suspending that standing order, for which you have now established a precedent, can be quite serious for the future.

MR SPEAKER: Unfortunately, Mr Kaine, the Assembly gave the leave, not me.

Mr Kaine: Be it on your shoulders in the future when other people want to suspend the same standing order.

MR SPEAKER: Order! The point is that the Assembly gave the approval, not me.

MR MOORE: I presume that when the Assembly does not want to do that in the future it will not do it. In this case it has, and I will speak quite specifically. This motion, Mr Speaker, was presented - - -

Mr Kaine: Mr Moore, the precedent has been set on your motion, and don't you forget it.

MR MOORE: Yes, the Assembly gave leave. Any one person could have stopped it, and you did not.

Mr Kaine: The Assembly did not give leave.

Mr Connolly: It did.

Mr Kaine: The Labor Party gave leave and the rest did not. And let that be on the record.

MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, let me say that - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Moore! To resolve what seems to be a considerable point of contention here, and based on your statement earlier that you would be prepared to accept an opposite point of view from the Government, would you be prepared to seek leave again?

MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, if I thought that the Government was prepared to compromise in any way over this matter I would have, but in this case they have shown no willingness whatsoever to compromise on the most important matter; and the answer is no.

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