Page 623 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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MR MOORE: I made an unqualified withdrawal of the accusation of hypocrisy, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Yes. I was under the impression that you had done so, Mr Moore, but please proceed.

Mrs Grassby: For the second time.

MR MOORE: For the second time, just to clarify it for the Chief Minister. It may well be, Mr Speaker, after I have argued the point, that I may be tempted to use it again. The situation, Mr Speaker, is that, whether through intellectual laziness or intellectual dishonesty, the members of this Government have one situation where they have put at risk the safety not of people swimming but of small children, through their school closures, which is even more drastic - - -

Mr Duby: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. Relevance.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, relevance, please.

MR MOORE: Of course it is relevant, Mr Speaker. The whole basis of the argument over this weir is the safety issue.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Moore, I think you are drawing a long bow.

MR MOORE: I am going for consistency. I am not drawing a long bow at all, Mr Speaker. I am asking the Government to be consistent for a change.

MR SPEAKER: Order! I do not see that that has anything to do with this matter. We are discussing the Casuarina Sands weir. Please proceed.

MR MOORE: That is what I am doing. Mr Speaker, I am drawing a comparison, a quite clear comparison. It is a perfectly normal and standard debating technique. The whole basis of the argument for ruining this public facility is the safety issue. They were not concerned; they ignored the safety issue on the school closures. To now look at the safety issue - - -

Mr Duby: Mr Moore, have you been there?

MR MOORE: Yes, I have been there many times, like most of the people in Canberra.

Mr Duby: Do you know what we are talking about?

MR MOORE: I certainly do. It seems to me, Mr Speaker, that the intellectual dishonesty is clear. They use this argument and at the same time they ignore the safety of children as far as the school closures are concerned. This is a definite indication of the hypocrisy of these people. This closure at Casuarina Sands follows the closure of the

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