Page 624 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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Ainslie tip - another bungle of Mr Duby's - the closure of the Royal Canberra Hospital and the closure of schools. It will add another nail to the coffin of that Government.

MR STEVENSON, by leave: There have been arguments presented from both sides. There could well be validity in what the Alliance members have said. However, how are the people of Canberra or members on this side of the house to know what validity there is when we have not been given time, and when people in Canberra have not been given enough time, to discuss the matter? Everyone in this Assembly, as everybody in Canberra - - -

Mr Humphries: You would not give us time this morning on fluoride. You were the person wasting time this morning on fluoride.

MR STEVENSON: Mr Humphries said that I would not give them time this morning on fluoride. That is an absolute misrepresentation. You are not noted for it in this Assembly and perhaps it is best not to start. You know full well that I said that it should be allowed to be debated over two months. People's health is at risk, exactly as they are at risk in this situation. At risk here also is the right of Canberrans to have a say in what happens to them. Once again, the members of this ACT Assembly who happen to make up more than half the numbers - well, at least six of them; or one or more have got the sway, I do not know - have said, "This is what will happen".

I do not say that there is a political reason or whatever. I am quite sure that there is genuine concern for the health of Canberrans. But what about including the rest of us in the deal, and the people of Canberra as a whole, so that we can all have a say on it? I am not an expert on Casuarina weir. I have certainly spoken to a lot of people that have been and are very concerned about it. Can the Government state that the signage that is out there is, first of all, such that nobody going out there can miss it? Is it absolutely impossible to miss it day or night?

Mr Duby: Yes, they can.

MR STEVENSON: Fine. Good; Mr Duby said that. Someone else can have a comment about that if it is not correct.

Ms Follett: Providing you can read English.

MR STEVENSON: A good point - providing you can read English. The second point is: Does it clearly explain the situation and the problem there? Mr Duby, would you like to comment on this one?

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Stevenson! Address your remarks through the Chair.

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