Page 622 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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Mr Jensen: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. I refer to standing order 202(e).

MR SPEAKER: Mrs Grassby, please! Mrs Grassby, for the benefit of the house, if the question has been misinterpreted, if you insist - - -

Mrs Grassby: Give me an answer. I am asking them for an answer. Who is getting the contract?

MR SPEAKER: As I heard the words, that implication could be taken from what you said. I would ask you to withdraw them.

Mrs Grassby: Well, if the cap fits it. I will withdraw it then. Obviously it does fit.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you.

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, that is not a withdrawal.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, may I address this point of order?

MR SPEAKER: Yes, Mr Collaery.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, you could assist Mrs Grassby by assisting her with the words she should use. The words she should use are recognised in parliamentary language. They are, "I withdraw any imputation against the member". She should say those words.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you for that observation, Mr Collaery. That is the crux of the situation, Mrs Grassby. If others have misunderstood your intention, as you say, would you therefore withdraw the imputation.

Mrs Grassby: I withdraw. They must be very worried then, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you.

MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, what we have from this Government is either intellectual laziness or intellectual dishonesty - one of the two - because - - -

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, I requested earlier that Mr Moore withdraw his assertion of hypocrisy.

MR MOORE: I did.

Mr Kaine: No, you did not.

MR MOORE: I absolutely did.

Mr Kaine: You said that you were going to argue about it and you have not yet said one word in justification of it.

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