Page 549 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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A temporary structure should, Mr Speaker, be returned to promote special events such as the Canberra Festival and the Floriade. The structure should be smaller, as it was originally, and erected only for the duration required to promote those activities. I believe, Mr Speaker, that it is unfortunate that this recommendation was not included in the report. However, with only two members participating in the committee, it became a case of giving consideration to those who put forward submissions in finalising a report on the issue.

Mr Speaker, it is my view that this particular report is incomplete. I do not believe that the inquiry was completed. It became quite clear in the latter stages of the preparation of this report that there were people who should have come before us formally and been questioned in relation to their understanding of the nature of the structure. A committee of two is not a satisfactory arrangement. Because of these conditions, while I am able to support the report, as I said earlier in my additional statement, I believe that the additional recommendation should have been included.

In conclusion, Mr Speaker, I would like to thank the committee staff, especially Greg McIntosh, members of the community and government officials who put forward submissions to this inquiry.

MR BERRY (10.56): I rise to speak on this matter, mostly out of concern about some basic issues which can be associated with the Government's attitude to the committees of this Assembly. Of course, some of those committees of this Assembly can be seen very clearly to be committees of the Executive, and that is the case in relation to this particular committee. The Labor Party has made its position very clear about the performance of committees and its commitment to work with Assembly committees. But it has also said that it will not serve on committees which are clearly committees of the Executive, such as is the case in relation to this committee, the Standing Committee on Planning, Development and Infrastructure. I was amused by Mr Jensen's remark, when he informed the Assembly - and I suggest that he has misinformed the Assembly - that there was a clear outcome and a clear result from this committee's report.

Having listened to Mrs Nolan's remarks, I would have to say that nothing is further from the truth, because - speaking as a committee member - the committee's report has proven that the committee system supported by the Executive is ineffective. Its recommendations in this case are inconclusive. There is disagreement between the government members on the committee about its effectiveness. Mrs Nolan says that the committee system is not satisfactory, and she has said that in the past. Yet, Mr Speaker, the Executive, the Government, ignores the need to look at the committee structure and to ensure that that structure is

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