Page 548 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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would greatly benefit the Canberra community by promoting significant tourism activities. The prominent location at the end of Northbourne Avenue is seen by many pedestrians and motorists, and therefore is well located for promoting these special tourism events.

I would like to turn to a section in the committee's report on page 9, "Arguments in Favour of Retention of the Billboard for Special Events". I would like to read those into the record, because I think they are important. The first one refers, as I have already done, to the prominent location, and I will not reiterate that. I will read paragraph 3.21, which states:

The original intention was that the Billboard would only be erected for special occasions such as the Canberra Festival and the Floriade. The Canberra Festival Inc., referring to the original guidelines for the use of the Billboard, argued -

and, again, I have already made reference to its comment in relation to those guidelines, so I will not read that. The report states:

During the informal discussions with a representative from the Floriade Management Committee the view was expressed that the Billboard was an important part of their promotional activity.

3.22 The ACT Tourism Commission, in supporting the retention of the Billboard, advised that they had used the sign as an element of their marketing strategy "designed to raise the level of local awareness of the tourism industry". However, the Commission also expressed concern at some of the "amateurish" displays that have been posted on the Billboard.

Finally, I will read paragraph 3.23, in that section of the report:

The Committee noted widespread concern in the community that the Billboard was not being used as it was originally intended. This has led to the use of the Billboard for community advertisements which did not comply with the high standards that had been developed for the original art work, despite attempts by the ACT Administration to develop appropriate guidelines for design and art work on the Billboard. If the use of the Billboard was restricted to special occasions such as the Canberra Festival and the Floriade, then the high standards expected of the art work would be more likely to be attained.

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