Page 550 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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seen to reflect the needs of the Assembly, rather than the needs of the Executive. I have expressed my concerns about this in the past, as has the Leader of the Opposition - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order, members! The background noise is a bit high. Please proceed, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: I have said in the past, as has the Leader of the Opposition, that this is an ineffective procedure; but we have also been supported in that view by Mrs Nolan and, indeed, Mr Stefaniak, because both have recognised that there are shortcomings in the continuing existence of these sorts of structures. The Chief Minister, I think, has indicated that the Government may consider the issue; but there has been no further indication about where the Government is heading on the issue, although I notice that on the notice paper today there is a proposal for a joint committee to consider and report on planning legislation, which would involve this very ineffective committee itself. So, we will end up seeing another ineffective and inconclusive committee structure.

Mr Kaine: It is only ineffective because the Labor Party makes it so, and that should go on the record.

MR BERRY: The Chief Minister said that it is only ineffective because the Labor Party makes it so. I say that it is that way because of the inaction of the Chief Minister, because he is the one who said that he was going to fix it and, as in the case of most things, he does nothing.

Mr Kaine: I did not say that I was going to fix it. As far as I am concerned the committee stays like it is, and you had better start participating.

Mr Moore: I backed right off because you indicated that.

MR BERRY: There you are; Mr Moore supports me.

Mr Kaine: You sit in your office and do nothing.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Make your comments through the Chair, please.

MR BERRY: You are the one who indicated that you would do something, and as always you do nothing. You fly kites. You are getting as bad as Bernard Collaery.

Members interjected.

MR BERRY: Can we have a bit of order around here?

The issue, of course, is a clear one. The Government needs to do something. It has sold out; it has sold out again. It has exhibited its indifference to the independence of the committee system, and the Chief Minister now indicates a very different position to that which he indicated in the

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