Page 2862 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 15 August 1990

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MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Wood!

Mr Wood: He invited it.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Wood! Please direct comments through the Chair.

MR HUMPHRIES: I can see that the Opposition's tactic again is to waste my time so that I cannot put these points and make the references that I have been trying to make all morning. That is obviously their tactic. They do not want to hear these arguments, and that is not to be considered a surprising kind of development, given the way in which their arguments are so weak.

I think that the first thing to which we really should address our minds, and it is something that the Opposition has not faced up to fairly and squarely in the course of this debate, is its role as a political party in the past with respect to the issue of school closures.

Mr Connolly: You sent troops to Vietnam, but that was 20 years ago. Talk about current issues.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Connolly is bored by that. He does not even think it is terribly important. Those closures, I might remind him, occurred not much more than 18 months ago. They are hardly ancient history.

Mr Wood: Who closed the schools? Tell us that.

MR HUMPHRIES: The schools were closed by the Federal Labor Government. What is the position of the members opposite in regard to that issue? They have consistently supported a party which has made those decisions.

Mrs Grassby: Justify your decision, Gary. Do not worry about ours; just justify yours.

Mr Jensen: No, you are talking about hypocrisy.

Mrs Grassby: No, it is your hypocrisy.

MR HUMPHRIES: It is painfully obvious to anybody looking at the facts that those opposite are as much part of a program, and have as much been part of a program in the past, to close schools - - -

Mrs Grassby: Particularly you. You went into government lying to people - the Residents Rally.

Mr Jensen: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: Mrs Grassby, in an interjection, accused me of going into government lying to people. I request that that be withdrawn.

Mrs Grassby: I was talking about the Residents Rally. I withdraw it, and add that the Residents Rally went into government lying to people.

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